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 Hope Parenting™

   Hope & Help For Parents & Families


Parenting: Specialist Help

Bespoke Help & Training For Particular Needs

There are aspects of parenting that are generic and apply generally in most cases and these are catered for via Hope Parenting's Ages & Stages Suite of Courses/Support. But often there may be Additional/Special Needs based upon particular child/adult/family circumstances.

Hope Parenting™ has various training, coaching and support packages to address a number of these including:

Parenting is tough enough in normal circumstances, but additional adverse factors can really increase the demands and parents in such circumstances can feel very pressured, isolated and alone. This in turn can have an adverse affect on children, marriages, families, work and relationships generally. Meeting with other parents in similar circumstances and getting good third-party training, help/support and encouragement in such instances can be a real life-line. Hope Parenting Parent Club helps groups maintain contact beyond Courses & Seminars and these often continue as informal support groups via friendships developed.

  Services: Parenting / Additional & Special Needs


Parenting Grand-Children (your offspring's, offspring) is very different to parenting as you knew it first-time around. There are many reasons for this, not least that you probably don't have full-time responsibility for your grand-kids and that two (2) generations and 20-30 years on, life in many ways is different to earlier times. Grand-parenting can and should be an enjoyable experience, but there are dangers! Behaving in ways coloured by issues and experiences of your parenting, taking-over, creating unhealthy co-dependencies, ... etc. are just a few.

Separation/Divorce, Death & Single-Parents

Sadly, for various reasons, parents can find themselves on their own trying to bring-up a family. This is particularly challenging and good help and support is particularly helpful to work through the issues and help maintain the Family-Unit and child/young-adult development.

Special Needs

Children and/or Parents with different abilities due to health issues can give rise to additional parenting/family challenges. Additional training and support can be particularly helpful to come to terms with circumstances and to minimise harmful issues and effects and promote better outcomes.

Adoption, Fostering & Blended-Families

Through re-marriage, fostering/adoption, … etc. “blended-families” can come into being. This can create additional family strain as new family members are thrust together. Additional training and support can be particularly helpful to minimise harmful issues and effects and promote healthy new circumstances.

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